The truth behind three 1,000-year paradoxes no one could solve

This paradox of 3 paradoxical creators asserted that at least 1,000 years later, there was no solution to his challenge.

Ancient Greece was a land of many genius scientists such as Aristotle, Plato, Socrates . In their time, they were the most astute stars in the world of scientific science.

One of these stars is the Zeno philosopher of Elea (496 - 430 BC). This man is so talented that Aristotle or Plato are deeply influenced by his dialectical thinking.

At the time of birth , Zeno created three paradoxes and committed that after at least 1,000 years later it was possible to solve it. So how is this story really broken, let's learn through the article below.

From the portrait of an "indomitable" philosopher .

Zeno is a philosopher born and raised in the city of Elea, southwestern Italy today.He was a hard-earned student of Greek philosopher Parmenide.

Zeno taught Elea's Metaphysics philosophy in Athens, became very popular and even two Athens politicians, Pericles and Callias, also stole his studies.

Picture 1 of The truth behind three 1,000-year paradoxes no one could solve Zeno died, leaving the paradoxes at first to be logical but in fact it was extremely paradoxical, unreasonable.

According to legend, he participated in a riot plot to free his homeland from the tyrant Nearchus. However, the plot failed and Zeno was brutally tortured to death. Before his death, Zeno left three puzzles and pledged that 1,000 years later it would be possible to solve.Those are paradoxes at first, logic is actually extremely paradoxical, absurd.

. to 3 paradoxes "scratching your ears" still can't solve .

The first and most famous paradox called " Achilles and the turtle" , is also called the Zeno paradox . This paradox is described as follows:

"In a race, the faster runner can never catch up to the one who runs first. Since the start, the pursuer must first reach the point where the pursued person starts to run. Therefore, Slower guys always lead ".

Picture 2 of The truth behind three 1,000-year paradoxes no one could solve
Describe the paradox Achilles and the famous turtle.

Accordingly, if Achilles and the turtle run and the turtles run ahead, if Achilles reaches the turtle standing, the turtle has gone a little further and Achilles takes more time to get to the new position. Just like that, Achilles, despite his talent, never catches the little turtle.

Zeno's second paradox is equally "bad brain" with the name "Double Split". This paradox can be understood as follows: "All moving things must reach the halfway position before reaching the destination".

Thus, if Zeno wants to go from the house to the park, he will have to take time to go to the middle of the road. In the middle, he had to take the next half of the road.

Picture 3 of The truth behind three 1,000-year paradoxes no one could solve Zeno's dichotomy paradox.

Once he got there, he still had to take half the step and lost more time. Just like that again and again, this split will last to infinity and Zeno will take time to infinity to go to the park. That means he will never arrive.

The third paradox is entitled "Flying Arrow" . In the book of Physics, Aristotle wrote Zeno: "If everything takes up a space when it stands still, and if it moves, it takes up such a space at any time. So the flying arrow is motionless. "

Picture 4 of The truth behind three 1,000-year paradoxes no one could solve
Please inform us, we are all standing still!

Thus, according to Zeno, everything on Earth does not move and what we see is just an illusion.

. and the truth about the prediction of 1,000 years .

It is true that at the time of this paradox 3, no scientist can argue to solve their paradox. However, Zeno seems to be overconfident when making a claim 1,000 years later. In fact, less than 1,000 years are needed, all three paradoxes have been answered.

Specifically, less than 100 years later, Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) broke the first two paradoxes . Accordingly, he commented that as the distance decreases, the time needed to move those distances also decreases. So at some point, time drops to 0 and Achiles will catch up to the turtle as well as Zeno will reach the park.

Picture 5 of The truth behind three 1,000-year paradoxes no one could solve
For Aristotle, two paradoxes are just as small as a rabbit.

Even today, a 5th grade baby can solve the paradox Zeno offers. In fact, Achilles' velocity is greater so after a certain period of time, Achilles will be far ahead of the turtle, not to mention catching up.

Picture 6 of The truth behind three 1,000-year paradoxes no one could solve
In fact, even if four ninja turtles and Achilles met again, they would lose power, but not just run.

As for the " flying arrow " paradox, its answer was also found around 1200 . And the solution to this paradox is the Italian philosopher Thomas Aquinas. He objected to Zeno's misconception that time included moments, separate points.

On the other hand, in space, between two fixed points there are infinitely many alternating points. Therefore, understanding motion is the transition from one point to another as in paradox is completely unfounded.