Unique new year greetings in the world

The greetings at the beginning of the new year are a way of expressing joy and friendliness. However, the greetings of the peoples of the world each differ from each other and bring many different meanings. Please introduce to you some unique "types" of ethnic groups in the world.

1. Brush your nose, rub your forehead

In the mountains of northern India, the New Year's custom is to meet each other on the first day of the year, or to congratulate each other, people often rub their noses together. The stronger the nose brush, the more lucky and smooth the business will be . The New Zealand Aborigines are striking their foreheads to show goodwill. The more pain you get, the more "happy" in the new year.

Picture 1 of Unique new year greetings in the world
The stronger the nose brush, the more lucky the business is, the smooth .

2. Bend over

Israel (Jewish) when they met each other on New Year's Day, they bent down, brought their hands up to their ears and wished each other with the word "shalom" , meaning "peace". The Japanese also maintained their custom when greeting each other, they stopped and bowed down a few times, then asked about health and jobs. The Indians, after bowing down, put their hands in their chests to show their respect to the guests.

3. Flush the water

In the old Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic) there is a continuation of water falling in the beginning of the year. The boys splashed water on the girl he noticed. Of course, the girls did not protest but also enjoyed it! In Myanmar on the first day of the year, young and old, boys and girls fell into each other. They thought that the more wet the clothes, the more lucky they were. In big cities such as Toothun and Mandalay, there are water containers to go along the streets, boys and girls are always waiting for customers to cross the street to celebrate the age. In Thailand and Laos, there is also the possibility of water splashing at the beginning of the year because they think that water is a source of happiness so at the beginning of the year, meeting a few buckets of water to remove all the inconveniences in the old year is the best!

4. Take off your shoes and sit on the ground

In northern Africa, some tribes living in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia when they met at the beginning of the new year, they sat down on the ground, took off their shoes, and then visited and praised each other . Touch lightly on the palm. Malaysian people greet each other at the beginning of the new year only to touch their hand on the opposite hand's palm, then take their hand and then close it to the heart for a few seconds to show that the welcome was received. sincerely. When the two greeted each other, the older one received the first greeting.

Picture 2 of Unique new year greetings in the world
When the two greeted each other, the older one received the first greeting.

If you meet women, remember that in Malaysia is a Muslim country, touching women is extremely taboo, so the man has to wait for the woman to hold out his hand. If you wait forever and you don't see the woman holding your hand, then it can't be helped! Never hold out your hand first, if you don't want to be "rotten"! Some Muslim peoples such as Londonesia, Iran, Turkey . also have the first year greeting like the Malaysians.

5. Give your fist, give your index finger

In Korea, when we meet on New Year's day, people often hold their fists into fists, hold out their fists and hold out an index finger to greet each other.

6. Stick your tongue and shake your head

Ethnic groups living in mountainous areas have the custom of meeting at the beginning of the new year, they have to stick their tongues and use their teeth to bite their tongue and shake their heads to greet each other then talk.

7. Bite each other

In some islands of the Philippines, when you meet each other on Tet holiday, the first thing is to bite on each other's shoulders, the more painful the bite, the more passionate, passionate, passionate . it is true. proverb: "Love each other, bite each other!".

8. Embrace kissing in Western countries

When close friends meet at the beginning of the new year, people congratulate each other with passionate kisses. However, the kiss must always be in the right place, not where to kiss. Parents kiss their children on the forehead, friends kiss on the sides of their cheeks, and the boy and girl love each other and kiss the lips . In France, the upper classes greet each other, gentlemen often kiss the lady's hand. Although it was a hand kiss, it was not a real kiss, it was only symbolic, so the gentleman's nose touched the skin of the lady's hand was . rude!