Super unique greetings custom around the world

Brush your nose together, raise your eyebrows, punch your hands . are very unique greetings customs.

The first thing we do when we meet someone is usually greeting. However, this seemingly simple action becomes extremely complicated if you don't know the "traditional" salute of the land you're coming to.

In every corner of the world, there are different customs and greetings. Besides the common greetings such as shaking hands, waving . there are still many unique greetings that we didn't expect.

Find out the special greetings in some countries through Infographic below.

Picture 1 of Super unique greetings custom around the world

1. Tibet - Tongue out to say hello

Picture 2 of Super unique greetings custom around the world

2. Malaysia - Where are you going?

Picture 3 of Super unique greetings custom around the world

3. Philippines - Put the other person's finger on his forehead

Picture 4 of Super unique greetings custom around the world

4. India - Touch the legs of older people

Picture 5 of Super unique greetings custom around the world

5. Thailand - "wai" greeting rite

Picture 6 of Super unique greetings custom around the world

6. Greenland - Eskimo-style kiss

Picture 7 of Super unique greetings custom around the world

7. Bedouin - Men rub their noses together

Picture 8 of Super unique greetings custom around the world

8. Shona - clapping to greet

Picture 9 of Super unique greetings custom around the world

9. Maori - Touch the nose and forehead together

Picture 10 of Super unique greetings custom around the world

10. Micronesia - Raising an eyebrow

Picture 11 of Super unique greetings custom around the world

11. America - Punching

Picture 12 of Super unique greetings custom around the world

12. Zambia - Squeeze two palms together

Picture 13 of Super unique greetings custom around the world

13. Malaysia - Put your hands together

Picture 14 of Super unique greetings custom around the world

14. Niger - Hold your hand and shake

Picture 15 of Super unique greetings custom around the world