India launched the cloning of Garima-II in an effort to replicate the buffalo herd for its high milk yield.

Indian Army, this morning (October 12), successfully tested two Prithvi-II surface-to-surface missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

India is planning to build the world's largest solar power station with a capacity of 750 MW.

Start using computers since the age of 1.5, easily experience Microsoft applications, ... tech prodigies in this area are not surprised.

Thirty years ago, India first detected HIV in the country after testing blood samples from six prostitutes.

Kautilya Pandit, 7, was nicknamed by everyone

Bharat Biotch - a vaccine maker in India has announced a staggering step towards the successful development of the Zika virus vaccine that is threatening the world.

Overheating weather conditions will destroy the body's natural cooling system, causing damage and eventually death.

According to the researchers, temperatures rise to 35 degrees Celsius and high humidity has begun to threaten human health.

Leprosy in India has become a global burden with about 120,000 new cases each year.