The United Nations will set up an anti-meteorite team

The United Nations General Assembly (UN) has just approved a plan to set up a team responsible for warning and dealing with the risk of meteorites hitting the earth.

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According to Scientific American, the UN urged its member countries to create an 'International Meteorological Warning Group' (IAWG) with the task of monitoring and warning when detecting a dangerous meteor and bringing the spacecraft up. space deflects meteorites.

Picture 1 of The United Nations will set up an anti-meteorite team
The UN will organize a mission to prevent meteors from crashing into the earth - (Photo: The Galaxy Today)

The former astronauts of the American Space Explorers Association (ASE) are the ones who created this plan. ASE argues that the UN must be the organization to carry out the anti-meteorite mission to ensure the most accurate and effective.

Currently no country has pioneered the mission to fight dangerous meteors. quoted an ASE expert to explain why the UN needs to take on this responsibility: 'If the defect of the asteroid is flawed, the risk of countries not threatened suddenly suffers. The consequences are huge '.

'Therefore, deciding what to do, how to do it, and which system we should use to bury meteorites must be coordinated internationally, done by the UN,' he said.

Experts say that to deflect a potentially meteorite into the earth, we must discover it at least five years before the collision time to allow enough time to take the spacecraft to approach it.'If only one year was discovered, the best thing we could do was mix a glass of cocktails and sip while watching the meteorite hit the earth' - a former ASE astronaut said.