The US government failed in the

The otter's long-running battle against the US Government ended with the victory on the four-legged side. For 25 years the state agencies have done their best to move the otters out of the coast but eventually had to admit this program was wrong.

In the late 1980s, the US government moved about 140 individuals from the Southern California coast to this central coast. However, there was no longer a child at the resettlement site.

Picture 1 of The US government failed in the

The government's intention is very good, with the goal of saving this rare animal from the extinction that is approaching but encounters the 'persistent resistance' of the otter. Some of them were killed immediately after being taken to their new home, and most of them escaped to the old 'home', wearing two places far away.

In 2012, the US Department of Natural Resources published a research project, whereby wild otter populations were severely reduced and efforts to recover the previous number were very slow. The last survey shows that there are only 2,792 children left in nature, which is less than the previous survey of 14,000 children. So people organized this migration.

Sea otter is a carnivore of the fox family. It is the species recorded in the Red Book and their hunting is banned in all countries, except for the aboriginal people who live in the Alasca region (part of the Arctic) to have this animal right.

Currently, the US authorities are looking for new solutions to preserve sea otters. So, knowing that when one does not understand the behavior of a species, the intervention cannot be successful.