The world has three kids white lions

Three lovely white lions were first introduced to the public at the Buenos Aires Zoo, Argentina, on January 5, 2011. They were born from October 16, 2010.

Picture 1 of The world has three kids white lions
Three "white lion" kids have just launched in Buenos Aires.Photo: Msn.

The Management Board of Buenos Aires Zoo, Argentina has introduced three extremely lovely white lion 'kids', two males, born from a pair of moon lions imported from South Africa on October 16 last year .

Now they have become naughty " kids " and often eat fast. People launched a movement of teenagers to name them and end this summer.

" We are very proud. The number of moon lions born in the Zoo is extremely rare, " he said, explaining further: " Their parents are all white lions." and 'their' children all carry recessive genes, so they are pure white . '

The visitors to the zoo all love the young lions, taking photos. But their mother doesn't like it. She roared and always grabbed a baby lion in her mouth.