Two mutant lions with extremely rare white fur yesterday were first released at Huachipa zoo in Peru's capital Lima, according to AFP.

Their parents are normal, but the small lion born at the Texas Zoo has a rare white coat due to the recessive gene.

Some animals on Earth are for sale for billions of VND. Let's see what difference they have but they all have such a high price!

The male white-eyed lion was born in the American zoo with two other normal-colored individuals.

With strange fur or white color, Kermode bear, white elephant, albino squirrel are considered rare animals or symbols of luck.

Pair of parent lions with brown fur at the zoo Cu Chi Water Park, Ho Chi Minh City has just released a batch of 5 children of 2 animals with white fur, a very rare phenomenon.

Denied by his mother, the rare white lion Jojo in Safari in Stukenbrock, Germany mistakenly thought that Dal Lejon was a father and clung to this dog anywhere, anytime.

Three lovely white lions were first introduced to the public at the Buenos Aires Zoo, Argentina, on January 5, 2011. They were born from October 16, 2010.

Global White Lion Foundation prepares to bring a white lion family of extremely rare goods to be returned to the natural environment to save them from the situation of artificial