Theory: Time can become a dimension of space!

What will happen if time ' disappears ', it is an extremely wild question and if our universe follows the laws of physics there is no reason to ask that question. However, derived from ' classical ' thoughts, the transition from time dimension to a fourth dimension of space could theoretically be noticed by scientists. A similar theory is classed as' braneworld '(the theory of an existing cosmological model is a' membrane 'in another multidimensional universe), the concept can be generalized'. Our universe 'is in 4 dimensions that we already know and through' super wires '.

The theory of the ' membranes ' is a rather strange idea, ' membrane ' is considered a kind of ' seaweed ' floating in an ' ocean '. Because we can only sense that the 3-dimensional space and the length of the time dimension (called the 4-dimensional space-time or the Lorentz universe), we ourselves cannot grasp what is called a Thursday afternoon; But math will help us calculate and describe how many dimensions as we like. It is convenient because these ' membranes ' describe the cumulative consequences of cosmic strings through many different dimensions and the forces required to maintain this good universe. From our ' braneworld ' perspective, our 4-dimensional universe is in another large multidimensional universe and our previous arguments are based on the four dimensions mentioned above.

Picture 1 of Theory: Time can become a dimension of space! Researchers on ' braneworld ' such as Marc Mars (University of Salamanque Spain) think that they are learning about a scientific issue that can eliminate the most extensive studies of current cosmologists: The afternoon time could ' disappear ' and instead be a 4th dimension of space. Our Lorentz universe will thus become the Euclid universe (Universe has 4 dimensions, all space) and Mars believes. that we have evidence right before our eyes.

The expansion of the universe (discovered by Edwin Hubble in 1925) may be the expression of a ' membrane ' in the transitional phase, in the opinion of Mars and colleagues: the observer appears in 1 ' membrane ' is having a time-shifting form of space showing that the universe is expanding or more precisely what we see now. Scientists point out that the theory can explain the expansion of the universe, and adhere to the physical laws of the universe without having to "attribute" matter or energy. dark amount.

It would be absolutely terrible if we no longer perceive the universe in the absence of time and that will happen to the universe when time completely ' turns ' into space; however, it is beyond our knowledge and when the universe stops expanding, then the transition will be complete . So we should ' enjoy ' the whole 4-dimensional universe while they still here.