There are very few opportunities to find perfect partners

An English mathematician asserted the probability for each individual to find an ideal lover of 1 / 285,000.

Peter Backus, a math teacher at the University of Warwick (UK), just published a thesis called "Why I Don't Have a Girlfriend" (roughly translated as "Why I don't have a girlfriend"). Telegraph said, in this rather strange study, Backus uses the Drake formula - one of the famous mathematical formulas often used to calculate the viability of creatures living outside the earth.

Picture 1 of There are very few opportunities to find perfect partners


Backus research results show that, among the 30 million women with only 26, she is considered the ideal model for a single man. So the probability of finding a lover in a dream is only 1 / 285,000, or 0.0000034%.

"My research can make people who are looking for love disappointed, but that's not your fault , " said the 30-year-old professor.

Formula Drake was coined by astrophysicist Frank Drake of the University of California, USA. Thanks to this formula, Professor Drake calculated that there are about 10,000 civilizations in the Milky Way.

Backus's thesis was posted on the University of Warwick website.