This discovery causes people to reconsider the entire universe

A mysterious invisible force has been dragging our Milky Way 12 million miles every hour. This finding led scientists to confront new conundrums.

Currently, space researchers are facing a thorny problem:

An invisible force pulled the Milky Way away, although under the hypothesis of the Big Bang explosion, the universe is expanding and the objects in the universe are gradually apart, but this mysterious drag is not simply the expansion of the universe!

Not only that, some other Milky Way have amazing speeds of 22 million miles per hour, so what is that mysterious force ?

Picture 1 of This discovery causes people to reconsider the entire universe
Overall map of the universe projected on the plane.

Just like the movement of geological tectonics allows researchers to discover what's happening inside the Earth's heart, the movement of galaxies also provides important information about the structure of the Universe. cylinder.

Dark matter and dark energy

Picture 2 of This discovery causes people to reconsider the entire universe
Dark matter and dark energy are mysterious.

Many scientists and cosmologists have taken the view of dark matter and dark energy - the most mysterious matter and energy in the universe.

In astrophysics, the term dark matter refers to a hypothetical material in the universe, whose components are not yet understood.

Dark matter does not emit or reflect enough electromagnetic radiation to be observed with telescopes or current measuring devices.

But it can be recognized because of its gravitational effects on solids and / or other objects as well as for the entire universe.

Picture 3 of This discovery causes people to reconsider the entire universe
"The Great Attactor".

Based on the current understanding of structures larger than galaxies, as well as widely accepted theories about the Big Bang, scientists think:

Dark matter is the basic component that accounts for 70% of matter (dark matter + ordinary matter) in the universe.

Dark energy is an unknown form of energy, which accounts for most of the universe and tends to speed up the expansion of the universe.

Dark energy is the most accepted theory since the 1990s, indicating that the universe is expanding with increasing speed.

Picture 4 of This discovery causes people to reconsider the entire universe
The solar system is just dust in the universe.

According to the Planck Research Team and based on the standard model of cosmology, the relative ratio of matter - energy, then:

The universe has been found to contain 26.8% of dark matter, 63.8% of dark energy with matter usually accounts for only 4.9%.

Again, according to the relative energy-to-energy ratio, the density of dark energy (6.91 x 10-27kg / m 3 ) is very low, even lower than that of ordinary matter and dark matter in the galaxy.

Even so, it reigns the matter - energy of the Universe because it is spread throughout space.

But there are other theories that are equally convincing.

Picture 5 of This discovery causes people to reconsider the entire universe
Our universe is not unique?

Interestingly, many researchers have come up with the "multi-universe" hypothesis, which is a hypothesis of the existence of parallel universes (including the universe we live in), which includes all everything exists and can exist:

Space, time, matter, energy and physical laws.

The term "multi-universe" was born in 1895 by American psychologist and theorist William James. The universes that coexist in a multiverse are called parallel worlds.

It is these universes that create gravity and affect galaxies inside our universe, they believe that they are closer to our universe than we thought.

Picture 6 of This discovery causes people to reconsider the entire universe
Many surrounding universes have affected us.

If this is true, this will be an important and convincing evidence of the existence of other universes and we will have to re-realize the whole universe:

Do we have loneliness in the universe, and how do other universes contain mysteries of life?

Researchers believe that the surrounding universes have affected our universe with gravity and crept into our universe.

Some scientists also explain that these forces are responsible for the production of dark energy and dark matter.

This invisible force is called " The Great Attactor ," which is pulling entire galaxies and everything inside our universe to a definite destination in space - about 250 million light years.

Picture 7 of This discovery causes people to reconsider the entire universe
It is these forces that produce dark energy and dark matter.

Researchers see this invisible force as an unusual gravitational force near the Superbar-Centaurus Supercluster and inside the center of the Laniakea Galaxy Superintendent (the Milky Way's We are just a small part of it.

However, due to the distance, too much dust and gas, we cannot determine its exact location.