Time travel

NASA is planning to explore the gates hidden inside the Earth's magnetic field, hoping to one day turn the dream of traveling through time into reality.

A favorite topic of science fiction films is 'the portal' , ie space or time gates connecting astronauts with distant worlds. Rather, the gate is considered a shortcut to open the exploratory boundaries, and of course they only work when they really exist. Turns out, they are real, and experts from the University of Iowa (USA) have provided a way to track these gates. 'We call that X point, or electron diffusion area , ' Space.com quoted the explanation of the university's physicist Jack Scudder . 'They are in places where the Earth's magnetic field connects to the solar magnetic field, creating a straight path that originates from our planet to the solar atmosphere nearly 150 million kilometers away , ' said Scudder expert. said.

Data transmitted to Earth from NASA's THEMIS spacecraft and Europe's Cluster spacecraft showed that the gates from above closed and opened dozens of times each day. They are located a few tens of thousands of kilometers from the ground, where the geography school encounters the solar wind. Most gates are small and short-lived, while some gates may be open, open or extended. Tons of charged particles can flow through these gates, heating up the earth's upper atmosphere, creating geomagnetic storms and activating a beautiful aurora, according to US university experts.

Picture 1 of Time travel
People have long dreamed of gates of time and space - (Photo: trainercity)

Based on the discovery of the University of Iowa, in 2014 NASA will begin deploying the MMS mission (abbreviated from the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, ie "multi-layered mission" ) to study new discoveries of hidden space ports. in the earth's magnetic field. Equipped with charge detectors and magnetic sensors, four MMS space ships will be dispersed in the magnetosphere, next to the ports to see how they work. There is only one problem: how to find those gates? The magnetic gate exists invisible, unstable and variable. They open and close without notice. Fortunately, Scudder expert had a way to detect the gates.

According to a report on Physical Review Letters, the word portal forms through the process of reconnecting words. The magnetic force lines of the sun and Earth's zigzag line of force will combine to form these gates, creating an electron diffusion area. This means that each MMS spacecraft uses the above diagnostics to detect the magnetic port that appears and informs other members. NASA thinks that MMS may take a year to learn how to search the portal before starting to study them.

In terms of the ability to use magnetic gates for space exploration purposes, experts believe that this goal may still be far away, partly because the related dangers are not immediately identifiable. However, it does not rule out the prospect that earth explorers can reach distant borders as predicted by Hollywood filmmakers. Reality proves that science always follows people's imagination.