In the picture

Conspiracy theorists believe that the ancient people were guided by time travelers on how to use electric lights to illuminate the inner pyramid and other tombs.

Hawking said that time travel would be a reality, but he was also aware of something extremely important.

Thanks to Einstein's theory of relativity and the expansion of time, we can affirm that time travel exists, based on the distance we have traveled in the universe and at what

Because it seems that only this doctrine can explain the infinity of the universe.

According to Daily Star, many people once claimed that they saw the future, and that time travel is real.

General relativity predicts that a large enough mass of matter within a small enough range will deform space time to become a black hole.

When sucked into a black hole, humans are said to still have a slight chance of escaping from it, returning to their world or to another world.

According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, the only three dimensions of time and dimension are closely related, said Paul Sutter, an astrophysicist at Ohio State

Time travel is an interesting topic that is the subject of many science fiction films, besides it also makes a lot of gray matter for many aspiring people to create a capable