Tips to help myopia see clearly without glasses

Anyone who is nearsighted will understand how broken or miss the medicine glasses at home. However, if you unfortunately fall into this situation, do not be too worried because the temporary fire solution is in your own hands.

As MinutePhysics explains in detail and convincingly, blurry images form when light penetrates the inside of your eyes spread out too wide on the retina. If you use your fingers to form a tiny circle and keep it right in front of your eyes, it will only allow certain light beams to cover your retina, mimicking the "focus" effect of pinhole camera (pinhole camera) . At this point, you will see things more clearly than before.

To understand why this trick works, we need to go back to the visual mechanism in humans. In order for you to see something, light needs to move from a light source, to the object and then reflect to your eye, onto the retina to form an image of the object.

Without the lens in the eye, light reflected from the object will split and approach the retina in all directions, leading to you not seeing anything but a mess, fuzzy.

Picture 1 of Tips to help myopia see clearly without glasses
This is a feasible solution for nearsighted people in force majeure situations.

That's why when you look at something in front of you, everything in the background and close-up will be slightly blurry, unclear. Meanwhile, the lens in your eye can only focus light coming from a long distance. If the object is too close or too far away from your lenses, light reflected from it will spill naturally throughout the retina, making the image you perceive to be blurred.

This is when your eye muscles can shrink the lens to correct vision. If this mechanism is not working well, prescription glasses (near or far), contact lenses and surgery can help you focus on near and far objects.

The MinutePhysics needle tip is effective because when light travels through a small space, it can be focused from any distance . And because the road is so small, light can only move through one location, meaning that we no longer have the problem of light approaching the retina at many points, causing blurry vision.

You may look a bit weird when doing tips on a large number of people, but this is a viable solution for nearsighted people in force majeure situations.