To be more creative, use dim lights

Reducing the brightness of electric balls is a simple but effective way to increase creativity.

Medical News reported that psychologists from Stuttgart University and the University of Hohenheim in Germany conducted an experiment to test the impact of light on creative activity. The team divided volunteers into two groups and asked volunteers to sketch an alien creature according to their imagination. A group of volunteers painted in strong and normal light, while the other group painted in low light or darkness.

Picture 1 of To be more creative, use dim lights
Low light or darkness is a good condition for us to increase our creativity.(Photo:

The results show that the drawings of the group sitting in low light are more diverse and unique than the other group. People who sit in low light also feel more free in the process of imagining extraterrestrial beings.

The team did not know the reason for the increase in creativity in low light environments, but predicted that people felt more comfortable sitting in dim light.

"Low light makes people feel more spiritually free. The greater the degree of spiritual freedom, the more creative they have , " the team argues.

Even so, the team believes that weak light only increases creativity when people explore new ideas , not to benefit analytical activities and other types of neurological activity.

"If we move from a dark room to a bright room, it is likely that unexpected ideas will appear in our heads," they said.