Traces of genes of the legendary queen

The legend of the Queen of Sheba was once again proven to be valid when experts tracked the genetic genes of Ethiopian ethnic groups.

>>>Found Queen Sheba's legendary treasure?

Mentioned in both the Bible and the Koran, it is said that the mysterious queen of Sheba had children with King Solomon of Israel. Now Ethiopian genome scientists have discovered genetic evidence. Thereby, it is possible to support the story that seems to be just a myth in the past thousand years.

The team of British experts found the genetic gene of a group of people in Ethiopia mixed with the genes of non-black outsiders about 3,000 years ago. These people have faces and appearances very similar to those of Israel and Syria.'We found that some Ethiopians have up to 40-50% of genes that are similar to those outside Africa, while the rest of the genome is close to those of the continent' , press release. from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute quoted Toomas Kivisild, co-researcher at Cambridge University. The analysis shows that the 'foreign' gene is much like those in Egypt, Israel, and Syria, rather than coming from neighboring Yemen and Arabs.

Picture 1 of Traces of genes of the legendary queen
The meeting between Queen Sheba and King Solomon according to the visualization of artists

The findings, along with previous linguistic studies, all lead to the same clue as the myth of Queen of Sheba. This is a country where archaeologists suspect may extend from Ethiopia to Yemen, according to a report published in the American Journal of Human Genetics. Ethiopia, located in East Africa, is said to be one of the main migration routes of ancient people out of the continent and traveled the world. That's why the country is home to the most diverse groups of people in the world. The study of their genetic heritage can help scientists to learn more about the origin of the first humans on Earth.

Earlier this year, an English archaeologist was shocked to claim it might have found the African Queen's treasure. According to the Old Testament, Queen Sheba brought with her numerous possessions and possessions leaving her mysterious kingdom to go to Jerusalem to meet King Solomon. Impressed by the king's wisdom and overwhelmed by the magnificent capital, Queen Sheba immediately fell in love with the Jewish king. When leaving, it is said that she left her lover to 4 tons and a half gold. Descendants of their common son Menelik took over the reign of Abyssinia, today's Ethiopia.

According to the Observer, archaeologist Louise Schofield discovered the entrance where she supposedly stored the queen's treasure, which now belongs to the Gheralta plateau in the north of the East African nation. This place is located next to a river where indigenous people still enjoy gold. Ms Schofield said excavations would be conducted as soon as the source was found.