Training octopus into the world's first photographer

Rambo octopus has been successfully trained by New Zealand experts to become a professional "photographer".

Octopus training technology into the world's first photographer

We know a lot about the miraculous ability of octopus as the "prophet" of the Octopus octopus's football results or hiding under the ocean . but have you ever thought that an octopus knows take a picture yet

So you will not be surprised when meeting Rambo octopus in New Zealand because this octopus is the first individual trained to become an "octographer" (roughly translated: octopus photographer).

Picture 1 of Training octopus into the world's first photographer
Rambo octopus image preparing to work .

This is an octopus training project of the staff of New Zealand's Sea Life Aquarium Marine Park. Accordingly, Rambo octopus will take photos for visitors through a camera placed in the water tank.

You will be surprised when Rambo looks at the frame, waits for the audience to line up and then she gently presses the red shutter button as a true photographer.

Picture 2 of Training octopus into the world's first photographer
. watching the picture .

Picture 3 of Training octopus into the world's first photographer
. and take pictures.

Project participants said that this was the first time they had successfully trained a photographic octopus . They hope to be able to train more photographic octopus like Rambo in the future.

Follow the process of Rambo octopus through the video below: