Truth about prostitution: The oldest occupation in human history

Always considered an 'illegal' profession - a shameful thing when it comes to sex, but prostitution is one of the oldest professions of human history.

Many people think that prostitution is the oldest occupation in the world but in fact this is a misconception. The earliest prostitution perspective in professions is just an unproven hypothesis. But recently, German scientists have made a shocking statement: Prostitution has emerged and developed since primitive times.

Picture 1 of Truth about prostitution: The oldest occupation in human history
Ancient times in Greece (2,700 years ago), prostitution was extremely popular and public. Even, some of these practicing women are well-educated, well-educated, high in society called 'hetaera'.

Picture 2 of Truth about prostitution: The oldest occupation in human history
In some cases, prostitution becomes an inspiration for celebrities.The philosopher Epicurus - who gave birth to Epicureanism in Greek philosophy used to raise 6 prostitutes in the garden.In addition to serving his physiological needs, these prostitutes are also responsible for listening to lectures taught by Epicurus.

Picture 3 of Truth about prostitution: The oldest occupation in human history
Under the Roman Empire, prostitution is considered an acknowledged occupation.The female profession is very public and most of them are released slaves or slaves' children.Their value is so cheap, they can only ask for the amount of service equivalent to the value of a . bread.

- the wife of the Roman emperor Claudius practicing prostitutes when he was a "suspect".History tells that, in order to satisfy physical pleasure, she often accompanied her servants to escape the palace in the evening, to brothels to receive guests.

Picture 4 of Truth about prostitution: The oldest occupation in human history
In the Eastern world, ancient Egyptian civilization also acknowledged and considered 'sex' as an exchange item. In 440 BC, the Egyptians regularly organized "drunken festivals" with the meaning of celebrating the salvation of human souls.Archaeological research at the Temple of Luxor said an important part of the festival is the sale and purchase of prostitution in the help of alcohol, stimulants, music.Egyptians believe that drunkenness will help them meet the gods and pray for a peaceful life.

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In the Middle Ages, prostitution was banned in Europe by the church. However, it still exists naturally in urban areas, becoming an upmarket hobby, while serving the needs of soldiers when going to war. This 'evil' developed so strong that it caused many spreading diseases like syphilis in Naples (Italy).

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In the majority of major religions, prostitution is considered a felony, banned to religious followers in general.In some Muslim countries, committing the crime of prostitution will be punished with death sentence, while in Buddhist conception, there will be 5 hellish ones to punish those who commit sex offenses .

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Not only do women become victims of prostitution, but even men, especially boys living in Afghanistan, share the same fate. In this country, a large number of boys are forced to sell to become sex slaves - bazan bacha .They are owned by the bosses, becoming a pleasure in the carnal pleasures.

Picture 8 of Truth about prostitution: The oldest occupation in human history
Currently, there are 20 countries in the world that recognize the legitimacy of prostitution, including the Netherlands, Germany, New Zealand and some Eastern Australia states.For these countries, the revenue from prostitution is taxed very significantly.

Picture 9 of Truth about prostitution: The oldest occupation in human history
In these countries, people even advertise prostitution services through newspapers, magazines, cards containing contact numbers that are full of public phone booths, newsstands, massage parlors .

Picture 10 of Truth about prostitution: The oldest occupation in human history
Moulin Rouge is one of the most famous brothels in the world 'red light town' , located in the city of Amsterdam (Netherlands). The name 'red light town' is derived from the decoration here.All curtains, neon lights and street lights here are shown in red.