Ultrasonic scanner in smart phones

American scientists have invented the world's first ultrasound scanner for smartphones. This may be a revolution in health care for developing countries.

MobiUS ultrasonic scanner plugs into a smartphone or tablet to deliver images on the screen quickly. Inventors believe that device mobility and low cost are a breakthrough in medical care in third world countries.

Picture 1 of Ultrasonic scanner in smart phones
Photo: Gizmodo.com

Ultrasound scanners use high-frequency sound waves to create images of some body parts to help diagnose a disease, often used to shape a baby in the womb, scanning organs such as the heart, lungs, liver , gallbladder, chest area. Ultrasound machines usually have a high price, bulky often placed in hospitals or clinics so it is difficult to be popular in poor countries. To solve this problem, scientists have spent 3 years studying MobiUS, can transmit mobile images on mobile or wifi networks.

Ultrasonic scanner is compatible with smartphones or tablets using Apple or Android operating systems. MobiUS cost is 7,000 pounds compared to conventional ultrasound of 60,000 pounds. Daily Mail quoted Sailesh Chutani, CEO of MobiSante, which produced MobiUS, because the price is expensive and cumbersome, so the old ultrasound model has up to 70% of the world's poor people do not have access to this service. MobiUS is the key to improving access and reducing costs.

Chutani said the MobiUS interface is very simple, so it can be mastered in minutes. MobiUS easily connects to the network, stores, shares images for remote diagnostics.