Unexpected moments create a beautiful picture

Many people still think that only those who attend prestigious art schools or talented people can create top-notch works. But sometimes, art comes from unintentional moments, like impromptu pictures of life below.

Picture 1 of Unexpected moments create a beautiful picture
A paint bucket before the gasoline mixing was unexpectedly beautiful.

Picture 2 of Unexpected moments create a beautiful picture
The patchy black spot seemed to be very ungainly and turned out to be a picture of a deer dropping its shape in the grass at sunset.

Picture 3 of Unexpected moments create a beautiful picture
Water droplets scattered on the sink suddenly turned into a play of colors.

Picture 4 of Unexpected moments create a beautiful picture
The volcano erupted from the patchy, unreal colors that were unthinkable.

Picture 5 of Unexpected moments create a beautiful picture
Sometimes art comes from negligence.Accidentally spilled a few colors together but became a brilliant flower.

Picture 6 of Unexpected moments create a beautiful picture
The graffiti drawing is sometimes even more beautiful than sitting in a good class.

Picture 7 of Unexpected moments create a beautiful picture
After a great day, the art class sink becomes a work.

Picture 8 of Unexpected moments create a beautiful picture
The rain passed and the pollen grains scattered on the road suddenly turned into a virtual river.

Picture 9 of Unexpected moments create a beautiful picture
Do you see something like this golden streak like a lightning hero?

Picture 10 of Unexpected moments create a beautiful picture
The New York skyline was accidentally captured by a tourist while sitting on a boat.

Picture 11 of Unexpected moments create a beautiful picture
This work is created by mixing food with coffee.

Picture 12 of Unexpected moments create a beautiful picture
This is simply the lump of fat left over the pot, not the galaxy in the universe.