Video: The beautiful whale dance of the whale

While walking through the Strait of Gibraltar, an animal researcher happened to capture a beautiful moment when a fin whale jumped out of the water.

This is a rare whale species and it is very difficult to see it in nature. The above whale whale jumped about three times.

Picture 1 of Video: The beautiful whale dance of the whale

The video above was filmed by Serena, a member of Circe (a famous animal conservation group in Spain).

Serena and colleagues are working on a project to study and preserve the marine environment in the Iberian Peninsula.

Whale whales are the world's second largest whale (just behind the blue whale). Although weighing up to about 80 tons (adult individuals), this is the fastest whale in the world. It can travel at about 23 miles per hour.

Because the body is too bulky, it rarely jumps out of the water.