Video: The first time a blind mother saw her son for the first time

The video posted on the YouTube site, spread over the past few days, is a picture of a blind mother in Canada seeing her newborn son for the first time by wearing a sight support glasses.

Picture 1 of Video: The first time a blind mother saw her son for the first time
Kathy Beitz is with her son.(Photo taken from video)

'The first time I saw my child was wonderful' - 29-year-old Kathy Beitz shared. The mother suffered from Stargardt (hereditary macular degeneration) since childhood. With the support of the eSight glasses, blind people can fully see the world around them.

'She gave birth and immediately wanted to see him' - Beitz's sister, Yvonne Felix, said. Felix also suffers from a sister-like illness and is currently making money donations so many people can own the expensive glasses.