View Tesla Semi trucks rolling first in the street

It was not until 2019 that Tesla started producing the model, but recently a short video of a semi-rolling street scene was posted on YouTube.

This eight-second video chronicles the Semi truck that slides across the street while residents of Sunnyvale, California. This residence is located between Tesla's factory and their headquarters in Palo Alto. Most likely, Semi in video is the prototype version is in the test run. It does not carry any boxes.

Picture 1 of View Tesla Semi trucks rolling first in the street
Most likely, Semi in video is the prototype version is in the test run.

When released, Semi has made the world astonished. It can run up to 804km per full charge and runs up to 643km after 30 minutes of charging, capable of accelerating from 0 to 96km / h in 5 seconds without pulling in the bin and 20 seconds when pulling a cargo tank weighing 36 tonnes.

Tesla Semi Rollers on the street.

So far, the production of Tesla vehicles is still stuck in the early stages. Recently, CEO Elon Musk has acknowledged that his company did not achieve the goal of producing the Model 3 in 2017.

Companies that order Semi, including Pepsi, Walmart and Anheuser-Busch, may not be as patient as consumers if Tesla fails to deliver the car on time. Production hiccups did not have a big impact on Tesla's stock but some big clients and investors started to fear that Tesla could not fulfill its promise.