Wash clothes by sun exposure

In the near future, washing machines may no longer appear in households when clothes are only exposed to sun. This helps us to save a significant amount of electricity while avoiding toxic emissions from the dryer.

Chinese scientists have recently successfully removed stains on their outfits without the need for soap and washing machines thanks to a special coating made of titanium dioxide and nitrogen.

Picture 1 of Wash clothes by sun exposure
In the future washing machine will disappear?

This overlay will cause the stain on the outfit to disappear after exposure to the sun. In addition, the compound also has the ability to kill bacteria. Especially after washing or drying clothes, the coating is still working normally.

Mingce Long and Deyong Wu, the authors of the study, said the compound would better off the stain when added with silver oxide nanoparticles and iodine.

Previously, the idea of cleaning clothes by sunlight was available but this technology used ultraviolet rays instead of natural sunlight.

Does the compound of Chinese scientists make a revolution?

In fact, according to some studies conducted on mice and fish, scientists found that titanium dioxide, the active ingredient in sunscreen, cosmetics and paints, can cause genetic damage and brain damage. . This raises concerns among consumers about the adverse effects on health and the environment.

The research has just been published in the recent issue of ACS Materials and Applications.