We are unreasonably scared!

There is a very crazy view of fear even though in a sense, fear has certain benefits when it helps us to be alert to dangers or possible bad things. That's why fire is so scary; bears, altitudes or monstrous creatures were also given the same. However, from a different perspective, fear is a very absurd feeling. Because almost all of the things we fear are least likely to happen. Meanwhile, extremely dangerous things have many people who never take precautions.

Picture 1 of We are unreasonably scared!
"Our biggest fear is to go alone in the dark night."

According to a study conducted at Chapman University , 1,500 adults from all walks of life made an exercise that required revealing their greatest fears. After conducting the synthesis and classification, the results are organized into four categories: personal fear, crime, natural disease and fear factor (fear of having to join the scary game / activity such as eating live organs of animals, letting dozens of cockroaches or spiders crawl on people .). In addition, this study also draws a conclusion that our greatest fear is walking alone in the dark night. The second is fear of becoming a victim of personal data theft. The risk of using the Internet to serve the third and fourth job and life is the fear of becoming a victim of mass shootings. Presenting to the public is also a fear and ranks fifth in the results of this study.

While some of the fears on this list are dangerous enough to make us feel horrified, some are not yet life-threatening. The most dangerous is that substances that are potentially lethal do not have anyone listed.

Picture 2 of We are unreasonably scared!
We have great fears . paranoia

In all of the reasons that lead to fear, there are not enough factors to cause death. According to statistics, illness and illness are the biggest threats to our lives, in which heart disease and cancer are the two leading causes. Accidents are more likely to cause death than gun violence. On average, there are about 16.4 mass shootings each year in the US, leaving about 52 people dead. Meanwhile, car accidents caused more than 30,000 deaths each year.

Flu is even more dangerous. Flu and pneumonia make more than 56,000 people die each year.

But is anyone afraid of texting while driving - the habit of causing accidents to happen in a certain way? Who is afraid of overeating and exercising too little (potentially high risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes)? Who is afraid of the pandemic flu? If the real fear comes from its true nature, eating greasy hamburgers has the same level of fear as a serial killer on film!

Picture 3 of We are unreasonably scared!
Getting back to the true nature of fear will help us to be calmer

The time has come for us to change our psychology to fear things that are less likely to happen. Because according to a report published in The National Safety Council , behind the most common fears there is always the fact that "we are unreasonably scared".

The report also emphasizes that "we often worry about things that are less likely to happen, such as being killed in a plane crash or being struck by lightning (while still at home), but for a lifetime, they We can almost certainly die by what we do every day or things we don't even think about. "

According to the National Safety Council, the likelihood of our deaths due to a shootout is 1/358, the possibility of being killed by poisons that are not anticipated by excessive drinking is 1/109.

Aircraft also worried many people, and after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the fear of aircraft became even more extreme. However, in fact, the possibility of dying due to a plane crash is about 1 / 96,566. In the meantime, if we answer the phone while we are braking downhill and send a message when the car stops in front of a red light, the chance of dying from a car accident is 1/112.

Picture 4 of We are unreasonably scared!

Although many people are afraid of natural disasters - more than a third of adults in research on earthquakes, tornadoes, floods and epidemics - there are quite a few people with emergency tools (Emergency kit) at home. Christopher Bader , a researcher at Chapman University, also emphasized that "although very frightening, there is very little preparation".

It's time for us to adjust our fears to its true risks. More precisely, it is time to be prepared with the dangers that are likely to happen in a more intelligent and correct way. Fear alone can make us not alert enough to make decisions and fall into a paranoid state. However, if there is an accurate awareness of what is likely to cause this fear and take wise actions, it may cause us to escape danger in those circumstances.