Whales on the Thames River are dead

Picture 1 of Whales on the Thames River are dead

Try to save whales on the Thames ( BBC )

The whale lost in London's River Thames died after an unsuccessful rescue attempt. Experts are now studying the body of a type whale with a bottle shaped neck.

Five meters long whale died of seizures at 19:00 GMT on Saturday after barge was used to transport it to deep water to return to the sea.

Earlier whales were trapped in a shallow water near the river Thames at the London Bridge. People have clothed and poured water on the fish's back to prevent fish skin from being broken due to lack of water. Marine animal rescue workers then used special buoys and barges to try to bring the whales into deep water. This rescue effort is estimated to cost up to £ 100,000 (more than VND 2.8 billion).

Whales that can weigh up to four tons have been discovered on the Thames for the first time on Friday.

Picture 2 of Whales on the Thames River are dead

Picture 3 of Whales on the Thames River are dead

A whale more than 5 meters is swimming on the Thames in centralLondon (Andrew Parsons / AP) This is a bottle-shaped whale and this fish swims across the British Parliament building area. ( Andrew Parsons / AP)

Picture 4 of Whales on the Thames River are dead

Picture 5 of Whales on the Thames River are dead

Hundreds of people gathered on the bridges and along the River Thames to see this strange event.( Andrew Parsons / AP)
Although whale breathing seems normal, experts are concerned that the fish may be injured when trying to cross the barrier at the river mouth. ( British Divers Marine Life Rescue / PA.)
This is the first time that endangered animals have been found in the Thames since the statistics of these phenomena began nearly a century ago.