What is aerosol? The effect of aerosol

According to some medical experts in Vietnam, in our country, aerosol is understood as a topical treatment for respiratory diseases, in which using an inhaler, smoking a cigarette in the form of a fog in the nose. , throat, trachea, bronchus of the patient.

Many people do not understand what the word "aerosol" means, is air, is a method or a verb, so there are stories that some sites also write in the style " aerosol is a kind of cigarette smoking machine".

In English, the word "aerosol" corresponds to "nebulization" , while a nebulizer is called a "nebulizer" . Its verb is "nebulize", which translates the fluid into a pump. Nebulization is classified as a form of pump air therapy, popularly known as "aerosol therapy" .

Picture 1 of What is aerosol?  The effect of aerosol
Aerosol is understood as a topical treatment of respiratory diseases.

Nebulizer is a method of using a medicine diffuser in the form of a mist, acting on the upper or lower respiratory tract mucosa system. This is a local treatment for diseases of the respiratory tract mucosa such as laryngitis, nasopharyngitis, air-bronchitis, sinusitis, etc. generated will be pushed to adhere to the transferred hair layer on the respiratory tract mucosa. As a result, the drug will act directly on the site of infection.

There are 2 types of nebulizers:

  1. ENT device : large, aerosolized particles deposited in the upper respiratory tract mucosa;
  2. Nebulizer for the lower respiratory system : may release smaller particles of medication to them into the lower respiratory tract.

The ability to absorb aerosol drugs into the machine reaches about 2%. The duration of action of aerosol drugs is quite short, about 3-4 hours. Therefore, depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor may prescribe aerosol for children 2-3 times / day. Depending on the upper or lower respiratory tract disease, depending on the specific disease, the doctor will prescribe the use of mixed medicine to perform the appropriate aerosol method.

Respiratory aerators are used quite commonly in pediatrics. Indications for use of the device include: Children with acute asthma attacks, respiratory failure, laryngeal breathing, need to dilute sputum before treatment, children are unable to use a dose spray bottle, types Drugs need not have dosing aerosol, need high-dose inhalation antibiotics to control or treat prolonged infection.

The effect of aerosol

The nebulizer can direct the medication directly to the site of action, which is the bronchi and alveoli so that the drug can enter the body quickly. Effective treatment of conditions such as asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis, respiratory disorders.

Picture 2 of What is aerosol?  The effect of aerosol
Aerosols help treat effectively conditions such as asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis .

Not only effective treatment of respiratory diseases, daily nasal throat and nebulizer with physiological saline works very well to prevent respiratory infections.

Long-term injections or oral medications will bring many dangerous side effects such as stomach ulcers, osteoporosis, obesity, stretch marks . Using corticosteroids by inhalation, inhalation has been shown to be very safe. Safe, absolutely no side effects mentioned above.

In addition, the use of bronchodilators using a nebulizer reduces the side effects that often occur when taken orally, such as shaky hands, palpitations, and a fast heartbeat.

Standard aerosol procedure

How to use a standard nebulizer is as follows:

  1. Use a clean dropper or syringe to get 0.9% of physiological distilled water or saline (according to the dosage prescribed by your doctor) into the medicine cup. If the drug has been prepared, there is no need to add more;
  2. Use a clean syringe or dropper to take a dose (according to the amount prescribed by your doctor) into the medicine container with saline or distilled water. If there is a ready-made medicine, use a syringe to take the amount prescribed by your doctor;
  3. Attach the mask or snorkel to the medicine cup;
  4. Place the mask on the face, adjust the snug to fit or lift the breathing tube;
  5. Breathe slowly and deeply through your mouth (take a deep breath, pause for 1-2 seconds, then exhale) until the medication is gone in the cup (average takes about 10-20 minutes). During this time, the patient needs to concentrate on deep breathing so that the medicine can enter the lungs.

Aerosol is a good treatment for many respiratory conditions . However, 80% of the diseases that children suffer from are caused by viruses. Therefore, doctors recommend that parents should give children the treatment of symptoms such as antipyretic, antitussive cough, anti-stuffy nose, . so that the child's body has the ability to produce antibodies against the disease. instead of aerosol abuse. In particular, it is best when children are sick, parents should take the baby to see a specialist for prescription medication accordingly.