What is purulent rhinitis?

Purulent rhinitis is a red congestion condition in the nasal mucosa, which produces a lot of mucus, possibly thick mucus mixed with greenish-yellow pus and has a foul odor. The disease is a nuisance, affecting the health of patients, so it is important to be aware early so that it can be handled promptly.

What causes purulent rhinitis?

  1. Bacterial infections caused by rhinitis, acute pharyngitis are not treated promptly, or after suffering from respiratory infections.
  2. Due to mechanical injuries, hemorrhages, and mucosal lesions, the pressure causes nasal edema
  3. Exposure to high humidity, toxic chemical vapors is also one of the causes of attention.
  4. Because of long nose wicks, deflection of the septum causes congestion of sinus discharge
  5. Due to diabetes, physical weakness .

Picture 1 of What is purulent rhinitis?
This disease is a nuisance, affecting the health of patients.

Symptoms of purulent rhinitis?

  1. People feel tired, have a slight fever, but there are some cases, especially in children, the fever will be high, the status of infection will be clear.
  2. Pain in the face and often in the morning due to stagnant discharge of pus in the night, aches and pains cause headache, fatigue, discomfort.
  3. Can be asphyxiated, blocked 1 or both sides of the nose, intermittent or continuous.
  4. The runny nose is yellowish and has a foul odor. When strong blow causes pain and a little blood.
  5. When pressing the finger before the sinuses causes pain
  6. When examination found the nose under the big ocean, red masonry mucosa mucosa, married mid masonry, middle slot saw pus.
  7. Sinuses have stagnant pus, sinuses blurred.


  1. Providing the body with enough nutrients, vitamins necessary to increase resistance, help the treatment as well as prevent re-illness better
  2. It's cold, or changing seasons, changing seasons needs to keep the body warm, avoid cold infections and inhale cold air, runny nose, colds
  3. Clean and clean living space, avoid mold and bacteria as well as damp dust and dirt.
  4. When outdoors, need to wear a mask, avoid dust.
  5. Activities should pay attention to avoid overwork and reasonable rest.
  6. Exercising every day helps to improve health, increase resistance.
  7. Eliminate the use of stimulants and addictive substances harmful to health.

Daily nasal hygiene with physiological saline when exposed to public places outside or polluted environment.