What to do to save your own life when encountering a tiger?

Can tigers hurt people? However, in our country, tigers are extinct in the wild, so meeting tigers in the middle of the road is impossible. Therefore, this article is for reference only for those who like to imagine .

If we meet a tiger while in the car, there will be no danger. The tiger will be curious and may not avoid the vehicle, instead it will approach and observe, even chase the vehicle, which will not pose a threat to us, so there is no need to frighten. The first thing we have to do is slow down or stop the car to avoid injuring the tiger, then wait for the tiger to leave .

Picture 1 of What to do to save your own life when encountering a tiger?
If we meet a tiger while in the car, there will be no danger.

During this period, we can take pictures or record videos, but it is best not to use the flash , so as not to upset the tiger and cause unnecessary trouble. Be careful not to roll down the wheelchair window, and also do not stick your hands or body out the window.

But what if we meet a tiger on the way? First of all, you have to understand that if a tiger wants to eat you, it will never let you see it, and when you see it, it doesn't want to eat you yet.

At this time, you need to be very calm, not to tease him on the one hand, not to panic on the other hand, and not to turn around and run away. Since tigers like to attack their prey from behind, turning around and running away will trigger the tiger's chase and kill instincts. The correct approach is to look it in the face, slowly retreat to a safe distance, then quickly escape. With the exception of tigers that used to eat humans, wild tigers will mostly not eat humans and will allow humans to retreat on their own.

Can you climb a tree if you see a tiger? No , humans don't move as fast as tigers. Tigers can pull people down before they climb trees. Although the tiger is not very good at climbing trees compared to other species of the cat family, it is certain that its tree climbing skills will be faster and better than many people.

Picture 2 of What to do to save your own life when encountering a tiger?
Tiger's tree climbing skill is faster and better than many people.

Is it possible to pretend to be dead when meeting a tiger? No , because tigers can eat dead food, so they can make you fake dead.

When we meet a fierce dog, we can bend down to pick up a stone to throw and chase it away, so when we meet a fierce tiger, we can do this? Absolutely not!

According to reports from India, the people most attacked and eaten by tigers are those who are in a crouching position such as lawn mowers, wild honey spinners, etc. Tigers are naturally afraid of the shape of their cubs. humans , but when a person bends down, it will look more like a tiger's prey, which causes tigers to misjudge and will attack humans.

If we accidentally get close to tiger cubs or their prey, this can irritate the tiger. At this time, the tiger will growl and bared its teeth. Moreover, it can move forward and simultaneously emit a terrifying roar.

Even though the situation is scary, there's no need to panic. Tigers often hunt silently, if it decides to kill you, it will directly pounce on you instead of growling and baring its teeth.

If the tiger is too close, or is about to attack, you can try to speak loudly or make as much noise as possible, as tigers are afraid of loud noises . If the tiger stops, don't irritate it, and slowly move away.

Once the tiger decides to attack, it will be difficult for the bare-armed man to survive. In areas where man-eating tigers are common in India, there are still a few people who have survived deadly tiger attacks. According to the experience of these people, if you are attacked by a tiger, you must first protect your neck to avoid being bitten by a tiger . After that, you must use any accessible item to fight and do everything to not let the tiger drag you away, so your chances of survival will be higher.