Why are the colors different?

The colors of the stars were different, it was not drawn by anyone but indeed the colors of the stars were colorful.

Why are their colors different?In fact, the difference of colors shows that their surface temperature is very different.

Picture 1 of Why are the colors different?
The color of a star is determined by its surface temperature.

The Sun is white, in fact it is made up of colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple. The higher the temperature of a star, the more blue light is emitted by its component, so the star is blue in color. If the star's temperature is low, there is a lot of red light in the light component, so the star will be red.

Therefore the color of a star is determined by its surface temperature . Different colors represent different surface temperatures. Here is the general correspondence between color and surface temperature:

Star color and surface temperature (° C)

  1. Lam 40,000 - 25,000
  2. Blue white 25,000 - 12,000
  3. White 11,500 - 7,700
  4. White gold 7,600 - 6,100
  5. Gold 6,000 - 5,000
  6. Orange 4,900 - 3,700
  7. Red 3,600 - 2,600

Thus we can base on the color of the star to predict its surface temperature.

  1. We see the Sun yellow, its surface temperature of about 6000 ° C;
  2. Venus has a bright white color, its temperature is higher than the Sun, about 10,000 ° C;
  3. The "Second Sun" star of the constellation Uranus from red can tell its surface temperature of about 3600 ° C.

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