Why did the ancients choose the number 9 as their lucky number?

The old number 9 has been considered a beautiful figure with special meanings.

Number 9 itself is a great number: if you multiply 9 by any number with one digit, then add the two digits of the result together, we always get the number 9. For example: 9x3 = 27, 2 + 7 = 9; or 9x9 = 81, 8 + 1 = 9 . It combines other basic numbers, perfection, fruitfulness: nine months to give birth to a child.

In terms of feng shui, the number 9 is the number of happiness, luck, favored by more people than any other figure because of the proximity to fullness, fullness, continued growth and development. not leveled off like number 10.

Number 9 - The number of emperors, prosperous in Eastern culture.

Number 9 is a good number according to Eastern arithmetic because it reads like the word "eternal" in Chinese and symbolizes longevity. Traditionally, this number is also associated with the emperor and is the only number that is associated with the Fire element - the element of motivation and truth.

Chinese people regard number 9 as a symbol of power and power; symbolizing peace, peace and eternity, is an eternal number. Number 9 also appears in Chinese mythology, like 'nine springs' - the residence of the dead, symbolizing 'heaven' in the Five Elements yin and yang, 'nine floors of heaven' in the three worlds .

Picture 1 of Why did the ancients choose the number 9 as their lucky number?

The number represents greatness in Western culture

In Europe, especially ancient Rome, the number 9 also represents elements of greatness, illusory, like Hydra - mythical monsters with 9 heads, Styx river - circling around hell 9 times, or mystic houses in this era often create a 9-foot-diameter magic circle to practice the rituals of summoning dead souls. In Christianity, number 9 represents the fruit of the Holy Spirit of God, faithfulness, sensitivity, goodness, joy, kindness, suffering, love, peace and self-control.

Number 9 represents the success of the products associated with it

Naming products associated with No. 9 is also a way of getting lucky for many big brands in the world. Most typical is the Ford 999, setting a speed record in the early 20th century. The Ford 999 then not only helped Henry Ford set a new record on the track in 1904, but also helped Ford become a brand. known throughout the United States shortly thereafter.

Picture 2 of Why did the ancients choose the number 9 as their lucky number?

At the same time, Focus Features also released a new animated movie called '9 ″ on this exciting number 9. From the feng shui point of view, the number 9 is the luckiest number because it represents the fullness and integrity of heaven and earth.