Why do hairs stand on a dry, cold day?

Why on a dry day, or on a cold day, every time you remove your hat or take off your shirt, will your hair stand up?

Picture 1 of Why do hairs stand on a dry, cold day?
Hair was erect on dry days.

Weather temperatures in the winter and autumn often have very low humidity, resulting in dryness and easy static generation. Moreover, the hair is unable to regenerate itself, it is made up of dead cells like nails, so when damaged, the hair does not have the ability to maintain moisture and recover itself. When the moisture content of the hair disappears, the climate is dry, causing hair to produce static electricity.

You may not expect it, but electrostatic hair does not mean static electricity is only produced in hair. Static electricity tends to pass into small places. So static electricity generated when clothes rubbed against each other will also pass through the body up to the hair.

Methods to prevent electrostatic hair phenomenon:

In order to provide a preventive method, it is based on the cause. If your hair is damaged, find a way to fix it early to prevent static electricity. The cause of static electricity in the hair is the lack of moisture, so need to provide moisture to the hair.

Static electricity is difficult to generate: How to make external electrostatic phenomena pass into your hair is no longer there: If you want to do this, you need to control static electricity products around you.