Why stand still a bit tired than walking?

Waiting for elevators, queuing at the cinema or at the cashier's counter, everyone must have at least once been 'stuck' on their own feet. At times like that, you even feel more tired than when you walk. The question is why?

Stopping in one place makes you more tired than walking

The first truth can startle you, when you stand with your feet, you can't rest.In addition to being subjected to the body's gravity, it must also energize itself to keep its body balanced. Few people know that when standing in one place, your body is always swaying very lightly. Therefore, some muscles, especially calves, remain active .

This adjustment is so small and subtle that you don't even realize it. Meanwhile, if you walk the forces are distributed more evenly to different muscle groups. Arm muscles, hip muscles, buttocks, thigh muscles, calves and feet . all work together to create the rhythmic movement of the body.

Picture 1 of Why stand still a bit tired than walking?
Why stand still tired than walking?

The second reason, when standing still, your body weight will spread on your legs . This makes both legs work continuously. On the other hand, when walking, two legs alternately operate as well as rest. Only a small amount of time each break during the process of assembling into each leg must only work for half the time.

The third reason is a bit more complicated. That is when you stand on blood and leukocytes, which are cornered on your feet and calves . Although the heart works continuously, it cannot make blood in these areas completely circulate. That's why if you stand for too long, you'll start to feel your legs numb or slightly swollen . It is the process of movement and movement that also supports the efficient circulation of blood to the heart.

In the book 'Varicose veins and related disorders' , author David J Tibbs writes:

'Only peripheral pump mechanisms come from new muscles capable of creating perfect venous flow to counteract gravity. This activity is performed when the veins are compressed by the muscles around the spasm. Blood is stacked and valves prevent them from flowing back. It is a very simple and delicate effect '.

Thus, when you stand too long in one place, muscles and other parts are receiving less oxygen than when you exercise. They will not work at a high performance, of course you will feel tired.

Picture 2 of Why stand still a bit tired than walking?
Going back makes blood flow better.(Illustration).

Fourth, when you stand, the entire load of the body is cornered on a single point of endurance on the foot . It will get worse if you wear high heels. While walking, a larger area on the foot will alternately load.

Fifth, psychological problems.Stopping in one place is obviously more boring than walking , especially in reluctant cases such as waiting for a cashier or going to a supermarket for a wife. Once your mind has nothing to occupy, the first thing that comes to mind is that your legs start to tire. When walking, it is different, the brain must constantly work to assess the situation and avoid obstacles.

Finally, if you walk or run fast enough, your body starts secreting nerve-stimulating chemicals that make you feel better. One is adrenaline , which causes the heart to beat faster, providing more oxygen to the brain and muscles. The other is endorphins that improve your mood and make you excited.