10 mistakes to avoid when walking

Walking too slowly, ignoring the start-up stage, holding the arm in a position . is a mistake to avoid.

Here are the common mistakes when walking

Health experts say, when you choose to walk like an exercise, it's important to follow the rules.

Skip the start-up stage

Walking is not an intense exercise, but you are still encouraged to start to warm your body before you start walking. Also, after walking should cool the body. Never ignore these activities.

Walking too slowly

According to experts, walking briskly, shuffling every step will not give you any benefits. Regular steps by moving the whole body in perfect rhythm will be much better.

Choose shoes

Wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes will hurt your feet while walking. So choose the shoes that you feel most comfortable with.

Picture 1 of 10 mistakes to avoid when walking

Choose clothes

If you choose to walk like a regular exercise, invest in clothing that suits this discipline. Choosing cool and comfortable sports clothes instead of the clothes you wear everyday will make you more interested in exercising, especially not feeling uncomfortable when sweat comes out.

Prolonged walk

Never try to prolong your steps because it can hurt your knees or toes.

Move arm

Experts recommend hand-to-hand rhythmic movement while walking. So, don't keep them in a position, but let your hands swing freely.

Walking too much

Regular walking to improve your health is great, but if you go too much, it can lead to muscle aches and pains. Listen to your body and build your strength and time, instead of trying to walk for miles on the first day.

Walking needs a technique

When walking you need to keep your back straight instead of bending and raise your head or keep it straight. If you ignore such techniques, your practice will be useless.


Research shows that walking on different terrains is more beneficial than just walking on a treadmill.

Chat when walking

If you have a habit of chatting with friends while walking, it's better to leave it. Silence and focusing on the steps will be much more effective.