Why do trees die in the tropics?

The international team of scientists from the University of South Wales conducted a study to determine why some tropical plants are easy to die while others live 'very hard'.

Picture 1 of Why do trees die in the tropics?
Slow growth is a major factor in the death of plants.

In their work, experts analyzed more than 180 thousand trees from 203 species from Panama's rainforest to find out why the trees died and explained the differences between species.

We found that slow growth is a major factor in the death of plants. The group of scientists further explained, plants scramble for light together - those that fall behind this "race" , slow to grow and grow old will die.

In addition a large proportion of dead trees relates to random factors.

In addition, experts found that plants grow fast but premature death will gradually lose competitiveness compared to those with "slow growth" strategies .
