Why do we usually wake up like a flute before bed?

Sitting at work but sleepy shook his eyes. You fold the computer, turn off the power to go to sleep, but when lying down on the bed to "wake up", suddenly fall asleep again. This scenario sounds familiar and happens to no one else.

Medical experts call this phenomenon "hypnic shock," part of the hypnotic state - the transition between waking and sleeping . During this period, the muscles of the body will relax. The brain interprets this feeling as "falling", "hovering" and activating muscle contraction.

Picture 1 of Why do we usually wake up like a flute before bed?
Muscle spasms can occur spontaneously or can be caused by sound, light or other external stimuli - (Photo: USA Today).

Some people experience hypnic jerky phenomena accompanied by hallucinations, dreams, feelings of falling, or bright light or loud noises coming from inside the head; some people were suddenly awake even though they had been sleepy before.

Researchers are not sure why hypnic shock occurs , but a number of factors, such as stress, anxiety, fatigue, caffeine, lack of sleep, high-intensity exercise in the evening can do. Increases the frequency and severity of hypnic jerks.

This phenomenon is said to be completely normal and nothing to worry about. Experts believe that up to 70% of people experience them at some point in life. Even cats and dogs have this shock.

But if this causes you to suffer from insomnia and restlessness, you should see a doctor. Because in some special cases, hypnic seizures can be a sign of an underlying medical disorder, such as sleep apnea.

Anyone can experience "hypnic shock" , and there is no way to stop it completely. We can only reduce its appearance by controlling stress levels, drinking less caffeine, going to bed on time in a quiet and comfortable environment.

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