9 tips to have an energetic morning

Tips to help you stay awake in the morning

Every morning when you wake up, you may feel tired and tired, making your life and work difficult. So what to do to fix that? What do you do to have a healthy, energetic morning for a new day?

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Going to sleep properly

First, to be able to wake up in the morning, you need to have a good night's sleep first. To do this, avoid using caffeine-containing stimulants after lunch. A cup of coffee in the morning will help you stay awake and help your body increase its antioxidant power. But if you drink a cup of coffee in the evening, your body will hardly go to sleep.

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You should not drink too much alcohol at dinner . Drinking too much alcohol in the evening will cause you to wake up at night.

Another point to keep in mind is to keep your bedroom temperature cool. You should also avoid exercising before going to bed , which will keep your body in a state of stimulation, making it harder to sleep.

Do not use a computer or phone in bed . The light from these screens will make your body mistaken for being daytime and unable to have deep sleep.

Always try to get up early, even on weekends

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Dr. W. Christopher Winter - Medical Director at Jefferson Martha Sleep Center, Virginia also recommends "trying to wake up at the same time every day of the week" . Your biorhythms, the biological cycle of sleep, and your awake should be done regularly and accurately.

Many scientific studies have proven that not everyone needs an 8-hour sleep. Many people need more than that number and there are also people who need less. Keeping your circadian rhythm regular will help you know when your body needs a break.

Do not press the Delay Alarm button (snooze)

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When setting an alarm means you have decided to wake up at that time, so do not press the alarm off button to sleep more. This is also scientifically proven to be of no benefit and even harmful. Being awakened and trying to sleep again will make the sleep fragmented, not deep and erratic. That makes you feel much more tired when you wake up again.

Drink water when you just wake up

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You lose a lot of water when you sleep and breathe at night. And unfortunately, dehydration can make you feel slow and sleepy. So drinking a glass of water in the morning not only helps you stay awake, replenish lost water but also help your digestive system work better.

Open the window to catch the sunlight

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According to the American Institute of Medical Sciences, light is the main component affecting the circadian rhythm, directly impacting on your biological clock controlling genes. So early morning sun will help you be more alert.

If you can't get natural light into your bedroom, consider bedroom lamps that can slowly light up, simulating sunlight at dawn.

Selecting information

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See news as soon as you wake up making your morning more pressure. Reset your habits, no morning news, no work email, at least 30 minutes after waking up. Set an alarm with pleasant tracks or favorite songs. A study shows that listening to light music is a useful way to improve your mood.

Practice breathing as in Yoga exercises

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A study by Oxford University found that pranayama - a method of consciously controlling and regulating breathing (often used in Yoga exercises) - "has a marked direct effect, causing The body has more energy resources as well as mental energy and a sense of comfort ".

The most common form is 3-part breathing (Dirga Pranayama): In this breathing exercise, each inhalation is divided into 3 times. The first time you inhale a sufficient amount of air so that your belly swells, the second time inhaling the amount of air to make the chest bulge and lift, the last time you inhale the lungs and make the collarbone lift. The exhalation time is also done in 3 parts with turn; Clavicle, chest and abdomen collapse. Perform about 10 to 20 breaths, relax when you breathe.

Exercise every morning

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"The best time to exercise is after you wake up. It will help your body catch up with a new and energetic day. If you can train yourself this habit, it will be good for you. your body and health " - Dr. W. Christopher Winter said.

Morning exercises don't need to be too heavy. In fact, a yoga or tai chi or qigong exercise has been proven to help your body and brain get ready for a new day. And the best morning exercise is the one that lasts about 20 minutes.

Eat a protein-rich breakfast

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"Dietary protein will be converted into dopamine, which will provide you with energy."

Prepare a protein breakfast for yourself with meat, poultry, seafood, peas, products made from soybeans, eggs . Limit starch and processed foods that contain a lot of sugar because they will be metabolized very quickly, making you fast tired at the end of the morning.

Reference: Business Insider.