Experts have come up with the scientific truth about the concept of getting up early and getting up early will make you rich, smart or extrovert always successful ..

In an article on The Conversation page, experts showed 8 tips to help you wake up more easily and comfortably in the winter.

It is not natural that Japan's population has the highest average life expectancy in the world. Learn these habits right away.

Eating, sleeping or moving ... are essential needs of the body. In the absence of sleep, people will exhausted their strength, wear out their bodies, become old and have

Every morning when you wake up, you may feel tired and tired, making your life and work difficult. So what to do to fix that? What do you do to have a healthy, energetic morning

Night owls may like to sleep but most of their lives are happening in the daytime, if you don't wake up ready for the new day, you'll miss a lot of precious opportunities.

A new study shows that early risers are generally happier than those who work at night. According to Live Science, researchers from the University of Toronto conducted a study of