Practicing the '4-7-8' method helps you sleep like a child in just 60 seconds

Skinhead, trouble sleeping? This trick will solve it all, when you put yourself to sleep within 60 seconds.

Anyone who doesn't want to sleep every night is so deep, so delicious, not dreamy, so that the next morning the body possesses a life-filled energy source.

There are things, life is not like a dream! In the era of technological development, the environment has too much artificial light, our biological clock has been greatly deviated from the real needs of the body. As a consequence, even though we put our back very early, we still sleep late, making our bodies always in a state of fatigue.

Picture 1 of Practicing the '4-7-8' method helps you sleep like a child in just 60 seconds
We always lack sleep.

And yet, lack of sleep can affect the pressure from work, causing many unhealthy symptoms: obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and above all, reduce the life expectancy of people.

So, if you don't want these disasters to happen, you must find a way to go to bed on time. And Dr. Andrew Weil, a very famous American sleep expert, has created a method that can help you sleep very fast, in less than 1 minute.

He called it the 4-7-8 method . Specifically, this method consists of 5 steps:

  1. Exhale, or blow out completely by mouth.Note : must breathe hard, make sounds. Tongue head placed behind the upper jaw.
  2. Close your mouth, breathe gently in your mouth, count silently in the beginning to 4.
  3. Hold your breath, count to 7.
  4. Breathing out loud again, counting to 8.
  5. Close your mouth, inhale gently, repeat the whole process 3 more times.

According to Dr. Weil, if done correctly, a person with chronic insomnia can also wake up very quickly. And the secret here is simply the way we breathe. It is derived from an ancient Indian breathing exercise called pranayama, which is still applied in today's yoga.

"Just like when doing yoga, you need to keep the tip of the tongue behind the upper jaw," said Weil. "You breathe in through your nose gently, and exhale vigorously through your mouth, making a sound like a draft."

Picture 2 of Practicing the '4-7-8' method helps you sleep like a child in just 60 seconds
Place the tongue behind the upper jaw, then exhale sharply.

"The whole exercise only costs you about 30 seconds, so there's no reason not to try."

Dr. Weil explained that this method helps your lungs fill with air, thereby pushing more oxygen into your body and putting your mind into a state of calm.

"Practice breathing like that twice a day. This is a great way to help you sleep well."

"After 4 - 6 weeks, you will find extremely great benefits happening to the body."

Picture 3 of Practicing the '4-7-8' method helps you sleep like a child in just 60 seconds
After 4-6 weeks, you will sleep better.

The benefit of this method of breathing does not stop at sleep. Dr. Weil said it can help control appetite and curb anger, thereby relieving stress on the mind.

Even in 1975, a Harvard study led by Herbert Benson suggested that meditation by meditating could "refine the gene" in the body - of course in a beneficial way. .