Not getting enough sleep can lead to negative thoughts

Getting enough sleep not only brings a lot of health benefits but also helps people have a refreshing and lucid spirit. Therefore, a sleepless night of 8 hours can cause mental fatigue as well as cause boredom and anxiety.

In a study published in ScienceDirect on January 6, scientists from Binghamton University, New York State, compared the time and length of sleep in individuals with, such as anxiety. and often think, on average or high.

Picture 1 of Not getting enough sleep can lead to negative thoughts
Negative thoughts can make people more prone to psychological disorders.

Researchers found that people often have difficulty diverting their focus from negative information. This means an insufficient amount of sleep can lead to pessimistic thoughts, affecting people's lives.

Negative thoughts can make people more susceptible to psychological disorders, such as anxiety or depression, mental breakdown.

Researchers are actively considering the link between sleep disruption and the effects on basic processes that help people overcome pessimistic thoughts.

They hope this study will help find a solution to patients who often have poor quality sleep can relieve anxiety and fatigue.