The secret to help you 'knock out' thoughts wandered off your head

Research by American scientists has shown that, many times we think idly and can not prevent "messy" thoughts in our heads. These negative thoughts keep repeating every day.

Negative thoughts here may be worrying about money, mistakes at work or simply an unnamed fear. The common point of these thoughts is that it is difficult to control. The most used method to deal with this problem is to try to "get rid of" that thought from your mind.

However, many studies show that the more you try to dispel negative thoughts, the more you think. After many experiments, American psychologist - Daniel Wegner (Harvard University) has come up with some potential tips to eliminate the unwavering thought that clings to your mind.

1. Distract attention

Picture 1 of The secret to help you 'knock out' thoughts wandered off your head

The effective way to dismiss thoughts from that mind is to try to think about another problem, so you will lose focus and forget negative thoughts at all times.

However, with this method, it must be noted that attention should be paid to focusing on a problem and not thinking about it. Because thinking without purpose can lead to negative emotions. So you need to address specific issues, such as a TV program, a piece of music or a job, a certain task.

2. Self-pressure

Picture 2 of The secret to help you 'knock out' thoughts wandered off your head

Another intuitive method is to put pressure on yourself. The basis of this method is that the pressure will make us see that the negative thoughts that are clinging to are no longer a big problem.

Instead, the brain will command us to complete the assigned task, not wasting time on other useless things. When psychology becomes more comfortable, you will work productivity and achieve good results.

However, in some cases, this way makes the other thoughts more intense . At that time, you should let your mind relax, do something interesting.

3. Delay thinking

Picture 3 of The secret to help you 'knock out' thoughts wandered off your head

Researchers have asked people who are constantly suffering from negative thoughts to 'delay' these worries within 30 minutes, this time called 'anxiety period'.

Some cases prove that this approach is very effective in removing distracting thoughts aside. So, 'postponing' anxiety over a fixed period of time can help you feel more comfortable.

4. Using paradoxical therapy

Picture 4 of The secret to help you 'knock out' thoughts wandered off your head

In case, instead of avoiding anxious thoughts, such as death, you face and focus on the problem, what will be the result? Some studies show that this method can be effective in dispelling persistent thoughts that cling to your mind.

The basis of paradoxical therapy is based on the principle of 'expose therapy' : people who suffer from spider phobia will gradually be exposed to spiders until the fear begins to fade. However, this is not applicable to the "shy " liver.

5. Accept

Picture 5 of The secret to help you 'knock out' thoughts wandered off your head

Instead of trying to get rid of negative thoughts, you can learn how to accept them. A study to reduce sadness was conducted in 2005 by British scientists, pointing out: 'Struggling with thoughts in your head is like struggling in quicksand.'

Therefore, each person should consider his thoughts and imagine that the thought is coming out of your mind through the ears with special symbols controlled by elite soldiers. Don't try to argue, hide or dispel the signs but watch them and let them march before you.

6. Self-affirmation

Picture 6 of The secret to help you 'knock out' thoughts wandered off your head

This is a new method of psychology to heal all psychological illnesses. Self-assertion means you need to think about your strengths and have faith in yourself. Thanks to that, you will feel confident and control yourself better. As a result, you can remove unwanted thoughts more easily.

7. Rewrite worries

Picture 7 of The secret to help you 'knock out' thoughts wandered off your head

Contrary to the method of self-assertion, rewrite the thoughts and feelings most secretly to work not only psychologically but also healthily. Rewriting your own true feelings will help you dispel unwanted thoughts.

The above methods and therapies lead to different results according to each test, the common point of the methods is not harmful to participants. After a period of experimentation, they all give you significant improvements in obsession and "throw away" less anxiety daily.