Sleepwalking is an interesting phenomenon but it can also adversely affect health.

Scientists from King's University (UK) have found that people who sleep more than 90 minutes a day can limit their eating habits.

Anyone who doesn't want to sleep every night is so deep, so delicious, not dreamy, so that the next morning the body possesses a life-filled energy source.

Many people can't sleep enough. Prolonged sleep deprivation can greatly affect health and well-being.

American experts point out to ensure the health of teenagers, middle and high schools should only start school hours from 8:30 onwards.

When hunger attacks, you are almost unable to resist the need to eat, drink something to soothe it.

This finding may help to develop new treatments for patients with sleep disorders, or at least help to better understand what makes them unable to get a good night's sleep.

A new study found that 30 minutes of sleeplessness every day will have 72% of the risk of obesity, type II diabetes and many other health problems.

Researchers warn, older people get less sleep, their brains get worse and deteriorate faster.

Women need more sleep than men, which is why women tend to be more grumpy when they get up early in the morning.