4 culprits make you always hungry

When hunger attacks, you are almost unable to resist the need to eat, drink something to soothe it. The problem is, why do some people suffer from hunger and hunger, even if they eat and drink only a few hours before?

Shona Wilkinson, NutriCentre's leading dietitian, pointed out four main culprits that make many people feel hungry and solutions to deal with them:

1. You have loaded too much carbohydrate

Eating a high-carbohydrate meal the night before may be a reason why you always feel hungry the next day, even after you've just eaten something. Because, when we consume too much carbohydrate in one meal, they are quickly absorbed into the body in the form of sugars. Increasing the concentration of sugars, especially glucose , in the blood leads to an outbreak of insulin production, hormones that stimulate our cells to acquire glucose.

Picture 1 of 4 culprits make you always hungry
When all sugar is removed quickly from the blood, it activates hunger and cravings for more carbohydrate foods.

When all sugar is removed quickly from the blood, it activates hunger and cravings for more carbohydrate foods. You may suddenly wake up at night with hunger and hunger if that happens.

Think of sweet potatoes, brown rice with a reasonable protein serving like a piece of fish or chicken, and a serving of non-starchy vegetables such as cauliflower or other green vegetables. They will help carbohydrates to be digested and absorbed more slowly, making you feel fuller longer and not causing a sudden increase in insulin that lowers your blood sugar.

2. You need to sleep more

Not getting enough sleep can directly affect how hungry we are and how much we eat. The researchers found that too little sleep time reduced leptin levels of hunger-suppressing hormones and increased ghrelin-induced hunger hormones. This is why sleeping less can also lead to weight gain.

In this case, you need to add magnesium to help relax the muscles, which can help us to have a good sleep and enough sleep.

3. You are thirsty

Sometimes, the thirst may actually be mistaken as hunger. We feel like we really crave something and interpret it as hunger, while all we need is just one or two glasses of water. The reason is, water is also needed for our cells to use nutrients absorbed from food. The lack of available nutrients makes our body crave more food. This is the reason you need to make sure that you drink water all day and not only when craving arises.

Picture 2 of 4 culprits make you always hungry

Drinking water between meals also generally makes us feel fuller and can help control our appetite. However, it is important that you do not drink plenty of water right before, during and after a meal because it dilutes digestive juices and can negatively affect your digestion.

4. You are in your menstrual cycle

Researchers found that a woman's appetite and intake of food increased during the second half of her menstrual cycle , such as after a period of ovulation and in the period leading up to menstruation.

To help balance blood sugar and control appetite during this period, it is essential for women to focus on eating high protein foods at every meal such as fish, meat, eggs, nuts and beans, copper. reduce the absorption of refined and refined carbohydrates and sugars. In addition, because caffeine and alcohol can also greatly affect the hormonal balance, women need to avoid taking these drinks to the maximum.