Why do we say love to sleep?

Almost in us, everyone has experienced at least once talking passionately while sleeping. The common feature of these statements is that they are often short, meaningless, lasting for 1 or 2 seconds and there is no sign of thought.

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This can occur in both REM (rapid eye movement) and Non-REM (non-rapid eye movements).

During REM sleep, it is created by the 'breakthrough' of dream speech: some specific words in the dream will quickly be transferred to the mouth and vocal cords, from which out loud. Coma can also occur during the 'temporary awakening' process , when people are in a semi-conscious state and when there is a sign of alertness interfering with sleep time, allowing us to talk (but are nonsense stories).

Picture 1 of Why do we say love to sleep?
The phenomenon of falling asleep may be the result of stress.

Studies show that sleeping passion occurs in more than half of children and decreases as we get older. In adults, this is considered a kind of sleep disorder, which may be the result of stress and many other factors.

Because it happens during the overlap of consciousness states, it usually only lasts for a second or two.