Why does the plane never fly in a straight line?

Let's go find the solution why know whether to save raw materials, but the cost of airplanes like "roundabout" in the sky.

Many people still believe that planes travel from A to B in a straight line like flying birds. But when you look at the actual flight map, you will surely be stunned because it is not.

Most aircraft will fly in an arc, sometimes zigzac . But why is that?

Picture 1 of Why does the plane never fly in a straight line?
Our Earth is spherical and the plane will fly along the surface of the Earth.

Not just flying in a straight line will be quick and convenient but will it save costs and fuel more? Because there is a clear fact that the shorter the flight distance, the less fuel consumed.

But it must be said that our Earth is spherical and the plane will fly along the surface of the Earth.

While the map is an image of the Earth on the plane, from there to the naked eye, we will see that the orbital plane looks curved.

Picture 2 of Why does the plane never fly in a straight line?
Sometimes you will see planes follow zigzac lines.

But sometimes we see "iron birds" fly in zigzac lines .

This is due to special flight rules, which require pilots to fly according to certain routes.

Along with the reasons for weather, flight safety, aviation security in each area, the aircraft will fly in its own orbit.

So, sometimes you will see a plane running zigzac hard to describe when looking at the map.

And now let's add some interesting facts about these iron birds!

Any aircraft is designed to protect against lightning : It is estimated that aircraft are only hit by lightning 1,000 times per time. Experts have calculated to design the special casing of aircraft and other parts. When struck by lightning, the lightning current will flow along the outer shell without affecting the interior.

Aircraft tires are almost never detonated when landing : That's because aircraft tires are designed to withstand loads of up to 38 tons. A tire can also run on the ground 500 times before it needs to be replaced. In addition, with proper inflating pressure, aircraft tires never explode even when running at high speeds.

Picture 3 of Why does the plane never fly in a straight line?
Aircraft tires can withstand loads up to 38 tons.

According to Dailymail, on average, about 3 million people are flying in the sky every second. Or every 2 seconds, there's an Airbus A320 plane taking off . a terrible number?