Why is it when the 'deflated' smell rotten?

Loyalty - or speaking in a way that folk often say "farting" is actually a natural physiological activity of humans to push the excess gas in the digestive organs to the outside in order to free the muscles. can avoid some related diseases. However, this action often causes inconvenience and disapproval in many unworthy cases.

The cause of "stinking" when people "fart"

This gas basically has the same composition as the two gases we normally inhale daily, N and O2. This gas also includes gases released from food after digestion, absorbed from the stomach and small intestine. They are gases like H2, CO2, CH4 (Methane).

Picture 1 of Why is it when the 'deflated' smell rotten?

In particular, the large intestine is the place that will produce H2S gas or rotten egg odor and ammonia gas mixed with the gas stream will then be discharged from the body. The composition of the measured gas includes: N2: 20-90%, H2,: 0-50%, CO: 10-30%, CH4: 0-10%.

Picture 2 of Why is it when the 'deflated' smell rotten?
Candies with many artificial sweeteners are a leading cause of more "deflation".

As this human body accumulates more of these gases, of course like a rejection mechanism , the body will have two lines to push the gas out. The first is by mouth with burp commonly seen after eating, especially with the use of carbonated soft drinks. The second is said to be anal in a neutral manner .

When this gas is pushed to the colon, it will be decomposed and produced by the bacteria here. Once these gases accumulate too much, it can lead to chronic poisoning, abdominal pain, chest tightness, headache or difficulty digesting by being absorbed back into the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, with anaphylactic mechanism, the body has signaled each person to know when to "neutralize " in order to timely handle.

Although this physiological activity of humans is inevitable, science has found several ways to help us prevent them at the maximum. This gas will be most produced if people absorb substances that are:

  1. Fructose : this substance is found in a number of grains such as corn, wheat, onions.
  2. Lactose: This substance is often found in milk, cream, cereals and some types of bread.
  3. Rafinose: This substance is usually found in beans, cauliflower, cabbage and on some vegetables.
  4. Sorbitol: This is an indigestible sugar and is often used as artificial sweetener in many human foods such as candy, chewing gum, carbonated soft drinks, energy drinks, .

According to some recent studies by scientists, H2S gas in human emissions can protect cells from many dangerous diseases such as cancer, dementia or cardiovascular disease.

According to the researchers, they are working on a way to create a compound that helps produce a certain amount of emissions for the human body, to help limit the unfortunate cases as well. as protection for human health