Why is red easy to make people spend more money?

Research published in Frontiers magazine shows that color affects the brain processing information, in which red makes people easily spend money.

Altruism is a trait often associated with a virtuous person. Recent research indicates that the environmental factors and colors around us can significantly impact the behavior of helping others. Specifically, blue makes it easy to forgive mistakes while red makes people selfish.

Picture 1 of Why is red easy to make people spend more money?
Color will significantly affect human thinking and behavior.(Photo: favpng).

Scientists realize that at certain times, color strongly influences behavior in the animal world. Experiments show that the red color makes some birds aggressive and aggressive towards their fellow humans. In 2013, researchers began experimenting with humans and found that after looking at red, people would spend more money on an auction.

According to a psychology study published in Frontiers, color changes human behavior by affecting the part of the brain that processes information. Some of the negative human actions also stem from the nerve stimulation of this part of the brain.

The scientists conducted an experiment in which a group of volunteers looked at a computer screen showing either red or blue and then played a game of cards. Based on how they played cards and stakes, the researchers assessed the results of the effect of color on perception, thought and behavior.

Results showed that the group of people looking at the blue screen will have a way of playing cards emotionally while those who look in red will think more carefully when making decisions.

Next, this group of people will look at pictures of the poor and receive a donation request for a charity to help poor youth get to school. People who look blue are more likely to donate than people who look red.

Based on these results, scientists recommend using green for advertising campaigns or charitable donations. If you want to convince consumers to spend more on personal products, consider using red.

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