With a piece of space junk, the Atlantis ship has a small hole

The NASA agency said that in the last 11-day space mission in September, space shuttle Atlantis was struck by a piece of space trash puncturing a small hole in the radiator placed on a wing. Ship door

A group of technicians discovered this last week when conducting routine inspections of the Atlantis at Kennedy Space Center near Cape Canaveral in Florida.

Picture 1 of With a piece of space junk, the Atlantis ship has a small hole

The hole was caused by a piece of space garbage in the radiator in a ship door

According to NASA, this piece of space trash has not been identified. It left a small hole with a diameter of 2.5mm but did not pose a danger to the shuttle and crew of 6 astronauts, nor did it affect the mission.

The Atlantis ship landed safely on September 21 in the state of Florida, but the failure was not detected in three orbits. These tests became routine after the Columbia ship accident in February 2003. Disaster occurred when the ship returned to Earth's atmosphere, an insulating sponge from the outer fuel tank hitting the ship's left wing causing the ship to explode 80 seconds after takeoff.

NASA engineers are seeking to collect samples of space junk that have punctured the radiator to determine what the piece of trash is. They will also find ways to determine how much the piece of trash has crashed into the shuttle at any speed and from what angle.