Women love skinny or muscular men?

The size of men can persuade women to believe that their genome is perfect and worthy of pairing.

For a long time, masculinity is still considered an evolutionary asset that men own to appeal to the weaker sex. But a new study believes that new weight is a powerful criterion that determines the attractiveness of men.

Picture 1 of Women love skinny or muscular men?

Masculine features such as square jaws, broad shoulders are always "implicitly" that a certain guy owns high levels of testosterone. Many people believe that high levels of testosterone also mean good immunity, because these two factors are related.

However, research from the University of Pretoria, South Africa believes that, although it is true that women tend to prefer men with faces and bodies that show strong immunity, they are still confused. between lean and fat while evaluating a potential audience.

"It is the weight, not the masculine line, that is the final determinant ," the team said.

Weight is thought to be a more accurate sign of both health and immune system, the group argues. People who are both overweight and underweight are at risk for poor health and immunity. In a survey conducted by this group, female volunteers only scored high for healthy, fit people. Those who are thought to possess more masculine features but are too skinny or too fat do not achieve ideal scores.

Besides, they also believe that blood levels of Testosterone are more closely related to weight than masculine appearance. The ruddy complexion, an important sign of health, is also more attractive to the female than a masculine face.