You will turn back when you know what we still think this turns out to be ... wrong

For mature cats to drink milk, to raise goldfish in small round tanks . is what we still do but did not expect them to be completely wrong.

Like humans, every creature on this Earth contains a unique trait, a special ability.

The animal world is vast and so many people are surprised by the facts about these animals.

Let's review it again to see if you are surprised by these interesting facts!

1. Gecko is discolored to camouflage

Picture 1 of You will turn back when you know what we still think this turns out to be ... wrong
Geckos can change colors rapidly and quickly.

Everyone thought

Gecko has a special talent - change color when in danger to disguise the enemy. At that time, the gecko seemed invisible to the opponent.

The truth is

The skin color of chameleon is controlled by a system of nanocrystals that is very complex to work with. These crystals shrink and expand flexibly, allowing different wavelengths of light to pass through. That's why they can change colors so quickly and varied.

Dark colors absorb light and heat, whereas light colors reflect light. Chameleon seems to be very clear about that. Specifically, when the body temperature is high, they will change to bright colors to avoid heat absorption and vice versa. Thus, the color control system of chameleon acts as a thermostat.

2. Doves, birds or ducks eat bread comfortably

People believe

In the beautiful weather, you sit by the river and then happily break the bread crumbs for the ducks, the birds fluttering at your feet are an elegant pleasure.

Picture 2 of You will turn back when you know what we still think this turns out to be ... wrong
Bread will fill the stomach, "fool" them, not leave room for real food.

The truth is

You should not eat doves, chickens, ducks, geese . to eat bread. The reason is that the kites of these species - their temporary storage areas are very small in size. In addition, they have no teeth to crush food. If you feed them bread, the piece is easily trapped in the kite. When trapped, the bread will ferment, which will poison these species.

In addition, bread does not contain the nutrients that these birds need. Their natural food is nuts, insects and sometimes small organisms. Therefore, the fact that these animals eat bread will be like the way we humans . swallow gum.

Bread will fill the stomach, "fool" them, not leave room for real food. Thus, these species will lack nutrition, leading to many dangerous diseases.

3. What's wrong with giving mature cats milk?

Picture 3 of You will turn back when you know what we still think this turns out to be ... wrong
Adult cats, drinking milk can lead to digestive disorders.

People think

Milk is an ideal source of nutrition for cats because most ads and cartoons have this image.

The truth is

Dairy products contain 1 substance called carbohydrate (sugar) lactose . To digest this substance, the digestive system must contain the enzyme lactase. The kitten body produces a lot of these enzymes, but when they mature, the amount of enzymes decreases significantly.

Enzymes are inadequate to stabilize the cat's digestive system when they consume food with lactose. Therefore, with adult cats, drinking milk can lead to digestive disorders, often they will have diarrhea and discomfort.

4. Fish is to grow in a round tank, beautiful!

Picture 4 of You will turn back when you know what we still think this turns out to be ... wrong
Keeping fish in a round tank, the fish will not have enough oxygen to survive.

Everyone believes

What a lovely goldfish swimming in a beautiful little circle tank.

The truth is

Round-shaped aquariums often have smaller mouth sections than the body. This results in a reduction in the ratio of dissolved oxygen to the water, so the fish in the tank will not have enough oxygen to survive.

Moreover, due to small tanks, we can only give a moderate amount of water. Such water is not enough to keep the temperature steady. But the tank is not large enough to install any temperature regulator. Therefore, dead fish in the bottle is an early one.